Our Beliefs


Mahseh Ministries adheres to the seven essentials of the Christian faith.

The Existence of God

This is the belief that God exists and has no beginning or end; that He exists totally and completely within Himself, depending upon no one or nothing for His existence.  God is a triune God, existing as three divine persons in one nature, co-equal and co-existent.

Virgin Birth

This is the belief that Jesus became a human through the virgin birth.  He was conceived in Mary’s womb by the working of the Holy Spirit, and was born a perfectly sinless human.

Deity of Christ

This is the belief that though He was born a human, Jesus Christ did not cease to be fully God.  Prior to the virgin birth He was God, He continued to be God while on earth, and He exists today fully God.  That He lived a sinless life, performed  supernatural acts, and rose from the dead, are proofs of His deity.

Blood Atonement

This is the belief that Jesus gave up His life as a substitutionary sacrifice to God the Father in order to redeem man from sin and its consequences.  Christ’s death is the only adequate means of salvation.

Justification by Faith Alone

This is the belief which emphasizes salvation by faith alone in the atoning death of Jesus Christ.  The salvation of an individual is a free gift of God received through the repentance form sin and faith in the person and work of Christ.  Nothing can be added to the work of Christ as a means of salvation.

Resurrection and Judgment

Jesus Christ rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and is now seated at eh right hand of God.  He will come again at the end of the age to judge all mankind; to the righteous He will give eternal life; to those who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be eternal separation from Him.

Inspiration and Authority of the Bible

This is the belief that the Bible is God’s inspired and authoritative Word. It is without error in all its teaching, including creation, history, its own origins, and salvation. Since it is God’s Word, Christians are to submit  to its authority, both individually and corporately , in all matters of belief and conduct